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When to start planning the Bachelorette (Hen) Weekend

When to start planning the Bachelorette (Hen) Weekend

For me, the earlier you can start planning the bachelorette party the better. Planning for the hen that started it all for me, began 8 months before the actual weekend. But I am probably an extreme example. In truth, the answer to this question is actually really subjective. But don’t fret, your Fairy Hen Mother is here to talk you through some of the things you should consider.

How to be the perfect Hen Party guest

How to be the perfect Hen Party guest

Anyone who has been to their share of bachelorette parties will tell you that it can sometimes be a bit of a strain on relationships, but if you want to avoid awkwardness and be the best guest you can be, here are my 5 top tips.

How to decline a Hen Party invite

How to decline a Hen Party invite

Let’s face it, many of us at some point in our lives have received an invite to a bachelorette party that, for one reason or another, we would rather not attend. Here are my best recommendations for how to deal with the often delicate situation of saying “No”